
Fight against HIV, TB, malaria in Nigeria, others receives $9.2b grant

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has approved $9.2 billion as grants starting this year to support more than 70 countries to continue their lifesaving work to end the three epidemics and build sustainable and climate-resilient systems for health over the 2024-2026 period.

In November 2022, following a record-breaking Seventh Replenishment outcome of $15.7 billion, the Board of the Global Fund approved the largest-ever investments to the fight against HIV, TB and malaria and strengthen health systems: $13.7 billion, including $13.1 billion in country allocations, to more than 120 countries over the 2024-2026 period.

The remaining country allocation funds to invest over the next 3 years – up to $4 billion – are scheduled for later start dates.Executive Director of the Global Fund, Peter Sands, said: “Sustaining our progress against the world’s deadliest diseases and helping build more resilient and inclusive systems for health will save millions of lives, address glaring health inequities and enable communities to flourish.“

At a time when so many of the poorest and most vulnerable people are also being affected by climate change, conflict, economic stresses and an erosion of human rights, there is an imperative to ensure sustained and adequate funding of such demonstrably effective lifesaving interventions.

”We are extremely thankful to our donors for their continued support and to all our stakeholders across the partnership who have worked so hard to develop these new grants so quickly and effectively.”

“Over the past year, country partners have worked with Country Coordinating Mechanisms (national government, community and health experts that develop and guide Global Fund-supported programs in a country) to develop detailed funding requests for programs to respond to the epidemics at the country level.“

As part of the Global Fund’s grant-making process, all funding requests are reviewed by an independent Technical Review Panel and then by the Grant Approvals Committee for quality and comprehensiveness before going to the Global Fund Board for final approval. Once the Board approves a grant, the Grant Confirmation is signed, and the Global Fund can process the first disbursement.

“In addition to the core grants awarded, the Global Fund continues supporting countries to reinvest funds from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) in health systems strengthening and pandemic preparedness. This includes over $2 billion in investments for medical oxygen, community systems and community health workers, supply chain, laboratories, surveillance, data systems and inter-operability, and waste management.”

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